Suman Sutra Vegan

"Am a Vegan and Green to Save the World" WORLD VEGAN, WORLD PEACE"

Archive for save the world

Supreme Master Ching Hai Lovingly Present the Shining World Hero Award to SOS From the Kids

On SMTV Noteworthy News today : “Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly present the Shining World Hero Award to SOS From the Kids and USD 10,000 in humble support of Sim Macaulay’s noble and sincere efforts.”

This is an SOS Call from the Kids

This is an SOS call from our kids to all parents in the world. Please hear them and response quick.

This sort video was broadcasted by Britain’s Got Talent. please visit their website to have more information.

Be Vegan, Go Green, Save Our Kids, Save Our Planets.