Suman Sutra Vegan

"Am a Vegan and Green to Save the World" WORLD VEGAN, WORLD PEACE"

Archive for love animals

Supreme Master Ching Hai Lovingly Present the Shining World Hero Award to SOS From the Kids

On SMTV Noteworthy News today : “Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly present the Shining World Hero Award to SOS From the Kids and USD 10,000 in humble support of Sim Macaulay’s noble and sincere efforts.”

China completely banned animals for human’s food to stop COVID-19

“The High Intelligence of Animals (From A to Z)” on YouTube

These cartoonist animals showing how intelligence the animals. This video is suitable for children education to create our children’s love and compassion toward our co-inhabitant on earth.

For other kids and animals shows, please watching on Supreme Master Television at :
IOS or Android Apps

Watch “Be a Hero, Save Our World : Pray for World Vegan” on YouTube

This short video showing that there are many reasons why we have to be a vegan :

1. Stop global warming 2. Stop killing animal 3. stop animal cruelty acts 4. Stop zoonotic diseases 5. Stop plaguing 6. To be a shining world hero 7. Save our Planet 8. Save our kids 9. To live in a benevolent way of life 10. To do good deeds in accordance with our religious and spiritual practice 11. To have love and compassion towards all sentient beings

Even though, after watching this short video, you could not be a vegan or you are going to be a vegan, you still can be a hero to save our world, by participating our pray for world vegan with Supreme Master Ching Hai, pray and meditate for half an hour, every Sunday starting 9pm (Hong Kong Time).

For more information, please watch Supreme Master Television on Youtube IOS or Android Apps Heaven bless you for your benevolent acts.

World Vegan, World Peace